2003–2004 Frankfurter Kunstverein EXHIBITION
The influence of Critical Theory on conceptual art as well as on later approaches critical of institutions and phenomena of pop culture have here open up a point of access to Adorno which to date has not been shown in the context of a group exhibition. Furthermore, the complexity of his thinking has been transferred into a visual form without levelling the contradictions between the “culture industry” and artistic practice, or “negative dialectics” and factual production.
Curators: Vanessa Joan Müller, Nicolaus Schafhausen
Artists: Carl Andre, Samuel Beckett, Martin Boyce, Andre Cadere, Martin Creed, Thomas Demand, Jason Dodge, Maria Eichhorn, Peter Friedl, Isa Genzken, Liam Gillick, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Louise Lawler, Euan MacDonald, John Massey, Jonathan Monk, Sarah Morris, Bruce Nauman, Kirsten Pieroth, Mathias Poledna, Stephen Prina, Florian Pumhösl, Ad Reinhardt, Gerhard Richter, Markus Schinwald, Andreas Slominski, Lawrence Weiner, Christopher Williams, Cerith Wyn Evans
Supported by: Kulturstiftung des Bundes, The City of Frankfurt am Main, Art Frankfurt
The exhibition catalogue was published in two parts with contributions from Norbert Bolz, Peter Bürger, Alex Demirovic, Diedrich Diederichsen, Alexander Garcia Düttmann, Michael Hirsch, Christoph Menke, Willem van Reijen, Martin Seel, Isabelle Graw and Georg Schöllhammer.
The foregoing texts and images are provided and copyrighted by: https://www.fkv.de/en/