Design: Recent Practice (recentpractice.com)
Survival in the 21st Century focuses on the basic questions of human existence and reflects on the radical changes ahead: climate change, the digital revolution, increasing injustice on national and global scales, democracy in crisis, and the necessity of community. This elaborate exhibition, featuring numerous multimedia installations and an exhibition architecture designed by the office of Bundschuh Architects, demonstrates how cultural survival needs new cultural practices.
In a radically complex world, fundamental questions are posed differently and anew: How can we rethink the economy, build, live, and eat differently, use technology for humanity in new ways, learn from non-Western societies, organize human and non-human coexistence differently, turn ecology into a comprehensive discipline, and transform our democratic processes and institutions to be more transparent and direct?
The School of Survival is a laboratory of the future. It is an integral part of the exhibition and offers almost daily participatory events. In the fields of art, theory and science, concrete approaches and cultural techniques – in short, strategies and possible answers – are developed in lectures, seminars and workshops. The curriculum thus adds numerous creative voices to the exhibited works.
There will be lectures and talks be scientists and thinkers such as: Yalda Afsah, Eric Bordeleau, Azul Lebrija Castillo, Raziye Buse Çetin, Zita Cobb, Simon Denny, Chiara Di Leone, Veronika Dirnhofer, Knut Ebeling, Anastasia Eggers, Clemens Finkelstein, Tidal Garden, Jackie Grassmann, Sarah Grant, Frederic Hanusch, Srećko Horvat, Daniela Jacobs, Wolfs Junge, De Klinker, Tiff Mak, Hannah Mevis, Mi You, Trevor Paglen, Peace Paper Project, Ala Roushan, Terra0, Minna Salami, Christian Schwanenberger, Corinna Sy, Ruby Sircar, Charles Stankievech, Nora Sternfeld, Ece Temelkuran, Steven Vertovec, !Mediengruppe Bitnik and many more.
Further info on all dates and events is available via www.schoolofsurvival.de.
The exhibition is accompanied by the publication Manual for Survival, published by Hirmer Verlag, with texts by the curators, a foreword by Dirk Luckow and contributions by Superhero Sighting Society, Frédérique Aït-Touati, Alexandra Arènes, James Bridle, Holly Jean Buck, Sam Chermayeff, Georg Diez, Axelle Grégoire, Srećko Horvart, Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, Jota Mombaça, Trevor Paglen, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Ece Temelkuran, Katinka Versendaal.
German-English. 272 pages, 60 illustrations in colour.
Artists: Panteha Abareshi, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Yalda Afsah, Abbas Akhavan, Assemble & AAU Anastas, Mohamed Bourouissa, Andrea Bowers, James Bridle, Julian Charrière, Sam Chermayeff Office, Edith Dekyndt, Simon Denny, Cao Fei, Liam Gillick, Lubaina Himid, Kablusiak, Leon Kahane, Paul Kolling, Sharon Lockhart, Goshka Macuga, Taus Makhacheva, Jota Mombaça, Shaun Motsi, New Red Order (NRO), Olaf Nicolai, Christelle Oyiri, Céline Pagès, Trevor Paglen, Grayson Perry, Shlomo Pozner, Bruno Serralongue, Jeremy Shaw, Charles Stankievech, Thomas Struth, Ron Terada, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Syrus Marcus Ware.
Curators: Georg Diez, Nicolaus Schafhausen
Research Curators: Lena Baumgartner, Frances Fürst
School of Survival: Georg Diez, Valerie Ludwig, Katinka Versendaal
Architecture: Bundschuh Architekten
Design: Recent Practice
The exhibition is produced by Deichtorhallen Hamburg.
Cooperating institutions are: Bauhaus of the Seas Sails, Panel on Planetary Thinking, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Island School of Social Autonomy (ISSA), Körber-Stiftung, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Planetarium Hamburg, Kulturagent*innen Hamburg e.V., Klimaströme Festival
The foregoing texts and images are provided and copyrighted by: https://www.deichtorhallen.de