Invited guests include freelancers, artist/curators and others fulfilling hybrid roles, curators working inside and outside of art institutions, those responsible for major international art events and those working on an intentionally local scale.
Each day has an overarching theme, which is then subdivided into more precise topics and questions:
Thursday March 5 – Expectations, looking at not only the personal expectations of individual curators, but also those of audiences and of artists and how these expectations might influence curatorial practice.
Friday March 6 – Positions, focusing on the daily practice of curating, the importance of building a reputation, the power of curators to shape the canon, and the influence of the market on curating.
Saturday March 7 – Contexts, exploring the history of the profession, conditions and ideas underlying curating, and the increasingly international practice of exhibition making.
The three-part program of Rotterdam Dialogues culminates in a three-part book, co-edited by the symposia organizers, together with Monika Szewczyk, head of publications at Witte de With. The book serves as an extra site of recollection and further reflection on the proceedings of the three conferences, taking up the conversational form of the symposia.
Conceived by: Zoë Gray, Nicolaus Schafhausen and Ariadne Urlus
Participants: Jamila Adeli, Diana Baldon, Ute Meta Bauer, Lorenzo Benedetti, Iwona Blazwick, Nicolas Bourriaud, Sabine Breitwieser, Adam Budak, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Ann Demeester, Barnaby Drabble, Mai Abu Eldahab, Zoran Eric, Hou Hanru, Jan Hoet, Jens Hoffmann, Manray Hsu, Stefan Kalmár, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Emmanuel Lambion, Raimundas Malašauskas, Paul O’Neill, Livia Páldi, Irit Rogoff, Beatrix Ruf, Kitty Scott, Seth Siegelaub, Saskia van Stein, Adam Szymczyk, Andrea Viliani, What, How & for Whom
Mediapartner: De Groene Amsterdammer
Generously supported by the Mondriaan Foundation, VSBfonds and SNS REAAL Fonds.
The foregoing texts and images are provided and copyrighted by: https://www.fkawdw.nl/en/