2019 Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts TEACHING
Taking the example of a special exhibition in the Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism, we will explore questions of how far the specific local, historical and current context plays a role in curating contemporary art, and how far it can be productively incorporated. How can current artistic positions enter meaningfully into a dialogue with institutional remembrance work? How, in polarised times, can cultural work make an effective social contribution through art? How far is it necessary to re-politicise art today? Or should art be considered free of social responsibility? How can the emancipatory potential of art be interpreted today? How can different perspectives be productively combined? Not least – how can the public be meaningfully involved?
Students will work individually, or preferably in groups, on specific examples they themselves choose, and develop concepts for exhibitions/projects. One or two excursions to Munich are planned during the course.
The foregoing texts and images are provided and copyrighted by: https://www.summeracademy.at/en/kurse/curating-contemporary-art-against-the-backdrop-of-a-local-context/